Corporate Athlete Workshops
Grounded with extensive experience including:
22 years at elite level sport
6 years as an elite sporting coach & athlete mentor
20 years as a inspirational speaker and team building facilitator
Kerri inspires ‘Corporate Athletes’ to discover their Peak Performance.
According to the World Health Organisation burnout is a workplace issue. For too long, the attitude of ‘more is better’ has driven business culture, pushing people to work harder and forfeit personal wellbeing in the pursuit of success. Burnout is the body’s response to chronic stress over extended periods of time when external demands outweigh the ability to rest and recover. In a time of rapid change and disruption, it’s never been more important to stay on top of your game and sustain high performance.
The Corporate Athlete is a topic that parallels the behaviours and habits of elite athletes to corporate executives and employees across all tiers, to create a new paradigm for thriving rather than surviving at work. When compared to an elite athlete, corporate athletes are under more pressure and work longer hours without allocated time for recovery and health management. Kerri is on a mission to translate her tools of the trade for audiences outside the sporting arena and build a new generation of Corporate Athletes who understand that high performance is sustained through managing energy rather than time, and valuing rest as an essential part of productivity.
Participants will walk away from this workshop (or keynote presentation) aware that they need to become their own CEO- ‘Chief Energy Officer’. They will be inspired to develop a personal blue-print for sustainable high performance and create new habits in 5 key areas of their lives- Mindset, Nutrition, Hydration, Movement and Recovery. They will have upgraded tools to build greater resilience, improve mental health, work more effectively under pressure, and contribute to a healthier organisational culture overall.
Key outcomes:
Burnout prevention
Health and nutrition